ESG Risk & Resilience
Risks ranging from the impacts of climate change, extreme weather, pollution, resource scarcity, health epidemics to social unrest from income inequality and informalisation, are posing serious threats to the longevity of businesses and portfolios, endangering economies’ competitiveness, thus creating long-term risks for financial institutions.
ESG integration and addressing climate risks and opportunities make a compelling business case for long-term returns. Implementing environmental, social and governance considerations into investing decisions of financial institutions would not just address risks, but also unlock significant long-term opportunities that a sustainable economy offers.
With a risk and resilience approach, auctusESG offers established holistic frameworks of ESG and Climate Risk management and disclosures:

Frameworks to integrate ESG and climate risks into business strategy and lending decisions, considering both the portfolio and project level
ESG management and operationalisation in correlation to risks and opportunities
Methodologies to monitoring and discloseESG funds’ performance and green bond impact assessments
Facilitating end-to-end triple bottom-line accounting and disclosures mainly based on the TCFD framework
Frameworks for sustainable operations and decarbonisation